Learn about compatible rostering methods for the Administrator Portal and GSEonline: Manual Rostering, OneRoster, ClassLink, and Google Classroom
Within this article:
➜ Manual Rostering
➜ OneRoster
➜ ClassLink
➜ Google Classroom
➜ PowerSchool Universal Rostering Plugin
Note: Those listed above are the only supported rostering methods. GSEonline cannot currently support Clever.
Manual Rostering
School or district administrators create students and teacher accounts manually in the Administrator Portal. This process can be completed individually or in bulk with the Bulk Upload tool.
Account Management
Accounts are managed by school or district admins. There are two types of Administrator Portal accounts: District Level and School Level.
District Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by district administrators. These admins can manage all schools, classes, and users within the district.
School Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by school administrators or teachers. These admins can manage the classes and users within the school.
Creating Users & Classes
There are two options for creating users and classes with manual rostering:
- Direct Add (Users and classes are created individually)
- Bulk Upload (Users and classes are created in bulk using the Bulk Upload feature)
The school or district account admin will login to the Administrator Portal to create user accounts and classes.
➜ Creating Multiple Users & Classes (Bulk Upload)
➜ Creating Individual Users
➜ Creating Individual Classes
➜ Adding Users to Classes
Distributing Content
Once users are created and assigned to classes, the account admin can assign content to students, teachers, or entire classes
➜ Distributing Content to Users
➜ Distributing Content to Classes
Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
Teachers and students users will sign in to GSEonline using the credentials provided to them by the school account admin.
OneRoster is the standard specification for securely sharing class rosters and related data between a student information system (SIS) and any other system, typically a content application or LMS.
The OneRoster standard supports CSVs and Rest API.
OneRoster can be configured with API or SFTP and SAML or Google SSO.
Account & Data Management
Accounts are managed by school or district admins. There are two types of Administrator Portal accounts: District Level and School Level.
District Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by district administrators. These admins can manage all schools, classes, and users within the district.
School Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by school administrators or teachers. These admins can manage the classes and users within the school.
Data Syncing Options
The Administrator Portal platform supports three types of OneRoster data syncing options – Sync With API, CSV/Zip via SFTP, and Zip Upload directly into the Portal.
The unique identifier (source ID, email) to be used has to be specified as well based on the SSO type you select for integration.
Important: To ensure data privacy, we have entrusted rostering to schools and districts. This allows them to have complete control over their accounts and ensures the security of their data.
Tips for OneRoster:
- For rostering users, we will only require the users.csv, orgs.csv, enrollments.csv, and classes.csv files.
- Files must be in .csv format zipped into a folder.
- No changes can be made to the column headers.
- Column positions cannot be moved. Use the provided sample sheet as an example.
- Mandatory columns must contain data and cannot be left empty.
- A user cannot be added in multiple organizations. Check the orgs.csv and users.csv sheets, and ensure users are not allotted to multiple organizations.
Creating Users & Classes
Students, teachers, and classes will be created when data is synced. The Selective Sync tool can be used to select which data is and is not synced to the Administrator Portal. Sync status can be checked and syncing can be paused or resumed from a District Level account.
➜ Selective Sync
➜ Checking Sync Status
➜ Pause/Start Sync
Distributing Content
Once users are rostered and assigned to classes, the account admin can assign content to students, teachers, or entire classes.
➜ Distributing Content to Classes
➜ Distributing Content to Users
Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
Teachers and students users will sign in to GSEonline. How they sign in will depend on the chosen sign in or SSO (single sign-on) method.
➜ Signing in to GSEonline
➜ Signing in with SAML
➜ Signing in with Google Classroom
An integration with ClassLink automates rostering and SSO by using ClassLink to import students, teachers, and classes to the platform from the integrated domain.
Account & Data Management
Accounts are managed by school or district admins. There are two types of Administrator Portal accounts: District Level and School Level.
District Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by district administrators. These admins can manage all schools, classes, and users within the district.
School Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by school administrators or teachers. These admins can manage the classes and users within the school.
Data Sharing
One requirement for a ClassLink integration is that the school/district must enable and share their roster data in the ClassLink Management Roster with our Gibbs Smith Education Application and add the Gibbs Smith Education 3.0 ClassLink app on their end.
Once the Gibbs Smith Education App has been added, The ClassLink Management Admin needs to assign the app to desired users.
Important: To ensure data privacy, we have entrusted rostering to schools and districts. This allows them to have complete control over their accounts and ensures the security of their data.
Creating Users & Classes
Students, teachers, and classes will be created when data is synced. The Selective Sync tool can be used to select which data is and is not synced to the Administrator Portal. Sync status can be checked and syncing can be paused or resumed from a District Level account.
➜ Selective Sync
➜ Checking Sync Status
➜ Pause/Start Sync
Distributing Content
Once users are rostered and assigned to classes, the account admin can assign content to students, teachers, or entire classes.
➜ Distributing Content to Users
➜ Distributing Content to Classes
Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
Teachers and students log into GSEonline using the Sign in with Classlink button. Students may also login using the ClassLink launchpad URL on https://launchpad.classlink.com
Google Classroom
An integration with Google Classroom automates rostering and SSO by using Google Classroom to import students, teachers, and classes to the platform from the integrated domain.
Account & Data Management
School administrators or teachers use School Level accounts in the Administrator Portal to manage classes and users within the school.
Note: District Level account management is not available for those rostering with Google Classroom.
Important: To ensure data privacy, we have entrusted rostering to schools and districts. This allows them to have complete control over their accounts and ensures the security of their data.
Creating Users & Classes
Students, teachers, and classes will be created when data is synced. For Google Classroom, data is synced from the Users page under the Classes section.
Distributing Content
Once users are rostered and assigned to classes, the school account admin can assign content to students, teachers, or entire classes.
➜ Distributing Content to Users
➜ Distributing Content to Classes
Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
Teachers and students log into GSEonline using the Sign in with Google button. Student and teacher usernames must be their Google Classroom email.
➜ Signing in with Google Classroom
PowerSchool Universal Rostering Plugin
The Universal Rostering plugin facilitates automatic data exchange with third-party systems, such as GSEonline, eliminating the need for scheduled import/export routines.
Utilizing common standards for provisioning key roster-related data, including student, course, and enrollment information between the SIS and GSEonline for school districts or individual schools.
Enabling real-time system-to-system exchanges using REST APIs.
➜ Learn more about the PowerSchool Universal Rostering Plugin
Account & Data Management
Accounts are managed by school or district admins. There are two types of Administrator Portal accounts: District Level and School Level.
District Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by district administrators. These admins can manage all schools, classes, and users within the district.
School Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by school administrators or teachers. These admins can manage the classes and users within the school.
Data Sharing
PowerSchool configuration requires an information exchange between the school/district and the GSE team.
Information which must be provided:
By the School/District: |
➜ Access Token URL |
By GSE: |
➜ SFTP details if SFTP |
PowerSchool will do an API call and pull the required data from the service. It will then create schools, classes, and users. You can sync the PowerSchool data in the Administrator Portal by clicking Sync All Data-API.
Important: To ensure data privacy, we have entrusted rostering to schools and districts. This allows them to have complete control over their accounts and ensures the security of their data.
Creating Users & Classes
Students, teachers, and classes will be created when data is synced. The Selective Sync tool can be used to select which data is and is not synced to the Administrator Portal. Sync status can be checked and syncing can be paused or resumed from a District Level account.
➜ Selective Sync
➜ Checking Sync Status
➜ Pause/Start Sync
Distributing Content
Once users are rostered and assigned to classes, the account admin can assign content to students, teachers, or entire classes.
➜ Distributing Content to Users
➜ Distributing Content to Classes
Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
Teachers and students users will sign in to GSEonline. How they sign in will depend on the chosen sign in or SSO (single sign-on) method.
➜ Signing in to GSEonline
➜ Signing in with SAML
➜ Signing in with Google Classroom