Learn about the Manual Rostering option for onboarding and completing end of year and new year processes
Within this article:
➜ Introduction
➜ Account Management
➜ Creating Users & Classes
➜ Distributing Content
➜ Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
For Manual Rostering, a School or District Admin will log in to the Administrator Portal to manually create classes and user accounts. This can be done individually or via the bulk upload feature. Once users are created and assigned to classes, the account admin can assign content to students, teachers, and entire classes. Teachers and students will log in to GSEonline, using the credentials provided to them by the account admin. At the end of the year, old users and classes must be removed and content must be revoked from them before new users and classes can be added individually or using the bulk upload feature.
Account Management
Accounts are managed by school or district admins. There are two types of Administrator Portal accounts: District and School.
District Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by district administrators. These admins can manage all schools, classes, and users within the district.
School Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by school administrators or teachers. These admins can manage the classes and users within the school.
Creating Classes & Users
There are two options for creating users and classes with manual rostering:
- Direct Add (Users and classes are created individually)
- Bulk Upload (Users and classes are created in bulk using the Bulk Upload feature)
The school or district account admin will login to the Administrator Portal to create user accounts and classes.
Direct Add Guides:
➜ Creating Individual Users
➜ Creating Individual Classes
➜ Adding Users to Classes
Bulk Upload Guide:
➜ Creating Multiple Users & Classes (Bulk Upload)
Distributing Content
Once users are created and assigned to classes, the account admin can assign content to classes or individual users. It is recommended to distribute content to classes.
Guide: Distributing Content to Users & Classes
Teacher & Student Access to GSEonline
Teachers and students users will sign in to GSEonline using the credentials provided to them by the school account admin. How users sign in will depend on the chosen SSO method or LTI integration.
➜ Signing in to GSEonline
➜ Signing in with Google