Signing in to GSEonline

Learn how to sign in to GSEonline

Important: How you sign in depends on how your administrator has set up access. This guide is for those using a Username (Email) and Password to login. If your school or district uses a Single Sign-On (SSO) method then you can use one of the guides below:

Signing in with ClassLink
Signing in with Google Classroom
Signing in with SAML

Note: You do not need an access code to sign in to GSEonline if you are signing in with Email, Google Classroom, ClassLink, or SAML

1. Go to GSEonline

URL: https://www.gseonline.uskb_gseonline_home

2. Click "Sign in with Email"kb_sig1

3. Enter your Username

Note: Your username is the email associated with your account


4. Enter your Password


5. (Optional) Click the checkbox next to Remember me

Tip: Follow this step if you would like your Username and Password to auto-populate next time you sign in


Click "Sign In"


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