Adding Users to Classes

Learn how to add users to existing classes in the Administrator Portal

Important: If a class has been created using the bulk upload method, new users should be added individually to the class. Even if you are adding multiple users to the same, existing class, do not use the bulk upload method after the class is already created. Doing so will duplicate the class.

1. Click "Users" at the top of the pagekb_adtc_1

2. (District Accounts Only) Click the School Selection from the top of the page and select which school you would like to manage users and classes forkb_district_select_school

3. Click "Classes" from the left panelkb_adtc_2

4. Click on the class you would like to add users to

Note: You can see how many users are in the classes by looking at the number to the right of the class. (ex. GSEonline Guide Class has 2 users)


5. Click "+ Add Users"kb_adtc_4

6. Find the user(s) you would like to add from the list or by using the search feature and click the checkbox next to their name

Tip: You can see the total number of all users at the top of the list (ex. “Selected Teachers (1) & Students (5)”)


7. Click "Save"kb_adtc_8

8. If content has previously been assigned to the class, then a pop-up will appear where you can select the order #kb_adtc_9

9. Click the checkbox on the bottom left of the pop-upkb_adtc_10

10. Click "Assign"kb_adtc_11

11. The new user(s) will now be added to the class

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