
Learn about the OneRoster option for onboarding and completing end of year and new year processes

Within this article:

Account Management
Sync Options
Sync Frequency
OneRoster Sample
IMS Global OneRoster Standard
Tips for Filling-in the CSV Files
End of Year Process & New Year Process


OneRoster is the standard specification for securely sharing class rosters and related data between a student information system (SIS) and any other system, typically a content application or LMS.

The OneRoster standard supports CSVs and Rest API

Account Management

Accounts are managed by school or district admins. There are two types of Portal accounts: District and School.

District Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by district administrators. These admins can manage all schools, classes, and users within the district. 

School Level Accounts:
Accounts are managed by school administrators or teachers. These admins can manage the classes and users within the school. 


When onboarding with OneRoster, information must be shared between the school/district and the GSE team. The information required depends on data syncing option selected.

Information which must be provided:

By the School/District:      

➜ Client Partner ID
➜ Consumer Key
➜ Secret Key
➜ Unique Identifier

By GSE:      

➜ SFTP details if SFTP
    sync type is selected

  • For API, GSE will need the Client Partner ID, Consumer Key, Secret Key and URL from the School/District. The Client Partner ID must be correct as GSEonline will sync data based on this ID. 
  • For SFTP, GSE will share the SFTP details, including Host Name, Username, Password, and Path to the school/districts to upload the OneRoster Zip. GSE will need the Client Partner ID details for the sync. Download the OneRoster Sample here.
  • For OneRoster Zip Upload, the Unique Identifier must be shared by the school/district to be used while syncing the OneRoster data on GSEonline. The Unique Identifier can be an email, username, identifier, or source ID. Note: For Google SSO, the unique identifier must be an email.
  • The Client Partner ID is the source ID for the school/distinct in your OneRoster Data.
  • The Unique Identifier (source ID, email) to be used has to be specified as well based on the SSO type you select for integration

Onboarding Steps:

Note: Continue reading this article to learn more about how to complete these steps.

  1. The designated account admin at your School/District will fill in the users.csv, orgs.csv, classes.csv, and enrollments.csv files then compress them into a zip file.
  2. Once the .zip file is ready, log in to the GSE Administrator Portal, navigate to the Users page, click on Upload Roster File, and upload the .zip file.
  3. After successfully uploading the .zip file, you should be able to see the newly added users and classes under the Users and Classes sections.
  4. Once users and classes are created, content can be distributed to them.
    Guide: Distributing Content to Users & Classes
  5. The newly created users should now be able to log in to GSEonline with the credentials provided in the OneRoster files.
  6. If you sync the data again, without the old user entries, the Admin Portal will delete the old users who are missing in the new .zip file. Therefore, please make sure that you are updating the last uploaded sheet at a regular interval to avoid the risk of deletion.
  7. If using SFTP, make sure you upload the .zip file to the correct location of SFTP and the file name should be the same as you defined during the account creation process.

Sync Options

  • Sync With API: OneRoster will do an API call and pull the required data from the service. It will then create schools, classes, and users. You can sync the OneRoster data by using the Sync with OneRoster hyperlink. You can also delete the OneRoster data on the server. The data will also get deleted from your system once you use the Update option.  
  • SFTP: The OneRoster file will not be uploaded automatically. You will need to upload the OneRoster zip in the SFTP path. The server will then pick the OneRoster file from the SFTP and create schools, classes, and users.
  • Zip Upload: The school admin will be able to upload the OneRoster zip file to the server. GSEonline will then create classes and users aligned to the Partner ID you use.

Important: To ensure data privacy, we have entrusted rostering to schools and districts. This allows them to have complete control over their accounts and ensures the security of their data.

Sync Frequency

GSEonline has a Manual or Auto option for Sync Frequency. This determines whether data is synced automatically by the system or manually by the school/district administrator. If the Auto option is selected, you can specify how frequently you want your data to be automatically synced.

Note: The time periods currently available for data syncing are: Daily, Fortnightly, Monthly, Half Yearly, and Yearly.

OneRoster Sample

Download the OneRoster Sample here.

The method for integrating rostering data into GSEonline requires that you submit a set of .csv (Comma Separated Value) files, using the sample files above, that comply with the IMS Global OneRoster format. 

IMS Global OneRoster Standard

Refer to IMS Global's website for the most up to date information on the OneRoster standard:

The majority of schools/districts currently share their students’ roster information to the tool service providers and LMS/LOR vendors as .csv files.

In compliance with the OneRoster data interchange format, the following 7 files/data tables are used by the schools/districts to exchange their roster information with the vendors.

Note: GSEonline currently uses the orgs.csv, users.csv, classes.csv,
and enrollments.csv files/data tables. Others are not required.

Schools/districts must upload their class rosters in .csv format. Roster data, for both import and export, must be prepared in the form of the seven files/data tables listed below. The file format is actually a model into which your organization’s data can be mapped.

1. orgs.csv

2. users.csv

3. courses.csv

4. classes.csv

5. enrollments.csv

6. academicSessions.csv

7. demographics.csv

Tips for Filling In the CSV files:

  1. The orgs.csv, users.csv, classes.csv, and enrollments.csv files are required.
  2. Please make sure the files are in the .csv format and zipped directly into a folder.
  3. No changes can be made to the column headers, including moving or changing text.
  4. Column positions cannot be moved. They must remain the same as the sample sheet.
  5. Mandatory columns must have the data. They cannot be empty.
  6. Currently, a user cannot be added in multiple organizations. Please make sure in the orgs.csv and users.csv sheets, users are not allotted to multiple organizations.
  7. The key values of each .csv file are as per the IMS global standard,
    and therefore cannot be changed.

End of Year Process & New Year Process

At the end of the year old classes and users must be removed and content must be revoked from them before new classes and users can be added. Once new classes and users are added, content can be distributed to them. Follow the guides below to complete these steps:

End of Year Process
New Year Process

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