Change User's Email (Administrator Portal) Customers using Manual Rostering (Bulk Upload / Individual Add) can now change a student or teacher’s email address (aka username) in the Administrator Portal after the account has been created. Guide:Changing User's Email
Past Updates:
September 2024
New Look (GSEonline) New homepage image is now live on GSEonline. This new look does not affect the functionality of the platform.
New Look (Administrator Portal) New homepage image is now live on the Administrator Portal. This new look does not affect the functionality of the platform.
March 2024
New Look (GSEonline App) New colors, logo, and graphics are now live on the GSEonline App. This new look does not affect the functionality of the platform.
December 2023
Gibbs Smith Education has been added to the list of signatories of the Student Privacy Pledge The Student Privacy Pledge was introduced to safeguard student privacy regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information. The commitments are intended to concisely detail existing federal law and regulatory guidance regarding the collection and handling of student data.
November 2023
New Way to Delete Users and Classes (Administrator Portal) You now have the choice to delete selected or all users/classes when using the checkbox tool to select and delete users/classes. Guide:Bulk Delete
User and Class Pagination (Administrator Portal) Users and classes can now be view by page using the page numbers at the bottom of the user/class list.
July 2023
Selective Sync (Administrator Portal) For those using automated rostering, you can now choose which schools and classes will be synced to the Administrator Portal with the Selective Sync tool. Guide:Selective Sync
June 2023
New Look (GSEonline) New colors, logo, and graphics are now live on the GSEonline. This new look does not affect the functionality of the platform.
Updated GSEonline Guide PDF (GSEonline) New version updated 06.12.2023. Includes new branding and features. View or Download:GSEonline Guide PDF
Category Sort By (GSEonline) Use the category sort by tool to order categories A to Z or Z to A Guide:Category Sort By
Sort By (GSEonline) Use the sort by tool to order books by Title, Author, or Published Date Guide:Book Sort By
April 2023
New Look (Administrator Portal) New colors, logo, and graphics are now live on the Administrator Portal. This new look does not affect the functionality of the platform.
Updated Administrator Portal Guide PDF (Administrator Portal) New version updated 05.01.2023. Includes new branding and features. View or Download:Administrator Portal Guide PDF
Bulk Delete Users (Administrator Portal) Delete all students, teachers, classes, or users in bulk with the new Bulk Delete Users tool. This tool is available for both School and District accounts. Guide:Bulk Deleting Users
January 2023
Bulk Revoke Content (Administrator Portal) Revoke content from multiple users or classes at once using the new Bulk Revoke Content feature. Guide:Bulk Revoking Content
Dynamic Question Bank Improvements (GSEonline) The Dynamic Question Bank (DQB) has a new look! Create assessments and access previously created assessments in one place. Download assessments as PDFs or editable-documents or print directly from GSEonline. Guide:Dynamic Question Bank (DQB)
November 2022
Transfer or Promote Students (Administrator Portal) This feature allows you to transfer or promote all students within a class to another class. Teachers will not be transferred. Guides: Transfer Students, Promote Students
Additional File Formats Now Supported for Bulk Upload: .xlsx, .xls, & .csv (Administrator Portal) You can now upload bulk upload files in .xlsx, .xls, or .csv format. First, download a sample sheet in the format of your choice and fill in your data. Next, use the Sheet Validator tool to validate the data. Make any necessary changes using the data validation error sheet. Finally, upload the filled-in sheet to create classes and users.
October 2022
Schools Tab Added to District Level Accounts (Administrator Portal) A new tab has been added to the top navigation for District Level accounts. In the Schools tab, you can view information regarding licenses and distribution for all schools within a district. Guide:Schools
Select School Update (Administrator Portal) The Select School button has been moved next to the Admin Center and appearance has been updated in District Level accounts.
Bulk Upload Sheet Validator (Administrator Portal) Upload your data for validation before submitting in the Bulk Upload feature. An Error Log spreadsheet will be downloaded which will detail any changes needed before upload.
Add Additional District Admins (Administrator Portal) Additional administrators can now be added to District Level accounts from the Admin Center. Once an admin has been created, they will be able to log in to the Administrator Portal and manage schools, classes, and users within the district. Guide:Adding Admin Accounts
Bulk Delete Updated (Administrator Portal) You will now see the total number of users or classes which will be deleted in the confirmation window. Guides: Deleting Classes, Deleting Users
Distribute to All Classes from District Level Accounts (Administrator Portal) District Level account admins can now distribute content to all classes within a school. Guide:Distributing Content to Classes
Bulk Set Password (Administrator Portal) You can now set password for multiple users at once using the Bulk Set Password tool. Guide:Setting or Changing User Passwords
August 2022
District Level Accounts Manage all schools, classes, and users within a district from one account. Switch between schools to distribute content, create users, and view analytics for each school. Guide:District Level Accounts
Bulk Delete Delete multiple users and classes at once using the Bulk Delete tool. Guides: Deleting Classes, Deleting Users