What is GSEonline?
GSEonline is our eReader platform which houses digital textbooks and supplementals which can be opened in the Reader. This platform is where students and teachers can access digital content. GSEonline hosts award-winning educational programs from Gibbs Smith Education. Accessible on the web and mobile devices, GSEonline brings the power of the eBook format and digital interactivity to teachers and students.
Learn More: Platforms Overview
Who can access GSEonline?
Anyone who has purchased content, has access to a computer, tablet, or mobile device, and has an internet connection can access GSEonline.
Request Purchase Information: Gibbs Smith Education
Do I need an access code to login to GSEonline?
The way you sign in depends on how your district or school administrator has setup access.
Email/Username & Password: If your district/school has chosen to use emails/usernames and passwords to login, you will not need an access code.
Guide: Signing In to GSEonline
SSO (Single Sign-On): If your district/school has chosen an SSO method, you will use that to sign in and you will not need an access code.
Guide: Signing In with ClassLink
Guide: Signing In with Google Classroom
Guide: Signing In with SAML
Access Code: If you district/school has chosen to use class codes/access codes to create user accounts, you will need to enter an access code on the sign in page.
Guide: Signing In with an Access Code
What is the difference between a student and teacher account on GSEonline?
Student Accounts: Students only have access to student content in a collection, such as Student Editions, Student Activities, Student Guides, etc. In the Reader, students are able to submit markups for teacher review, and share annotations with their teacher to receive feedback.
Teacher Accounts: Teachers have access to all content within a collection including the student content and teacher content, such as Teacher Guides, Resource Packages, and Teacher Tools. Teachers are also able to view analytics about their class and students. In the Reader, Teachers are able to access the Dynamic Question Bank (DQB), which they can use to create exams for students and Teacher Review, which they can use to provide feedback to students.
Does GSEonline have separate student and teacher portals?
GSEonline is split into two portals.
Student and Teacher Portal: GSEonline is our eReader platform which houses digital textbooks and supplementals which can be opened in the Reader. This platform is where students and teachers can access digital content.
School/District Administrator Portal: The Administrator Portal is the administrator platform where schools, classes, and users are created, managed, and distributed licenses to be able to access GSEonline. This platform is used by school or district admins to manage schools, classes, and users. In some cases, teachers will also use this portal to manage their classes and students.
What features do digital textbooks include?
Digital textbooks feature advanced navigation features which allow you to easily jump to specific chapters, lessons, pages, keywords, bookmarks, notes, and highlights. In addition, interactive features such as text-to-speech audio with sentence-level and word-level highlighting, annotations, highlights, and notes allow you to engage with your text. Teachers can also take advantage of tools such as downloadable PDFs and PPTs which can be used as additional teaching materials and the Dynamic Question Bank (DQB) which allows you to create assessments.
Learn More: Reader
Can I download a textbook on my device?
When using the GSEonline app, textbooks can be downloaded in the app will be available for offline reading.
Guide: Downloading Books in the GSE App
What SSO methods are available for GSEonline?
SAML, Google Classroom, and ClassLink are the current compatible single sign-on methods for GSEonline.
Learn More: SSO Methods
Why is my Bookshelf empty?
There are several reasons why your Bookshelf may not have any or some of the content you have purchased. It is possible that your content may not have been distributed to you by your school or district administrator. If you need help resolving this issue please submit a ticket to our help team.
Get Help: Submit a Help Ticket
How can I find teacher resources?
Teacher resources can be found in teacher-only digital textbooks, such as Teacher Guides, Teacher Resource Packages, and Teacher Tools.
Guide: Teacher Resources
Do I need an access code to login to GSEonline?
If your chosen sign-in method is username and password, ClassLink SSO, Google SSO, or SAML SSO, then you do not need an access code to login.
Access codes are used to create accounts for Teacher Level and Class Level customers. Once an access code has been registered, the user will use the chosen username/email and password during subsequent logins.
Are programs available in languages other than English?
Gibbs Smith Education offers several programs in languages like Spanish and French. If you would like to learn more about translations, reach out to your sales rep or visit https://gibbssmitheducation.com/
Help with troubleshooting
View our FAQ article on troubleshooting: Troubleshooting FAQs