Distribute Content

Learn how to navigate the Distribute Content tab in the Administrator Portal to view, revoke, and distribute content to users and classes

1. On the Distribute Content page, you can distribute content to classes and users, bulk revoke content, and view collection informationkb_dc_1

2. (District Accounts Only) Click the School Selection from the top of the page and select which school you would like to viewkb_district_select_school

3. The content you see on this page is the content which is available for distributionkb_dc_1

4. There are two ways to view collections, click the "Toggle View" icon to switch from detailed view to thumbnail viewkb_dc_8

5. In Thumbnail View, you can view collection information and distribute content by clicking the "Menu" icon

Tip: Click the Toggle View icon again to switch back to List View


6. To search for a collection, type a keyword into the search barkb_dc_4

7. For each collection, you can see details regarding licenses and distribution

  • Title: The title of the collection 
  • Total: The total # of licenses for the collection 
  • Remaining: The total # of licenses that can still be distributed 
  • Distributed: The total # of licenses that have already been distributed 
  • Unused: The # of licenses that have not been distributed 
  • Consumed: The # of licenses that have expired


8. Click "Content Report" to download this information as an Excel sheetkb_dc_6

9. Content can be distributed to Classes or Users under "Distribute"


10. To view information about a collection, click the "Menu" iconkb_dc_8

11. Click "Info" to view information about the collection including the Collection Name, Reference ID, and Integration IDkb_dc_9

12. Click "Collection Title List" to view information about all books within the collectionkb_dc_11

13. Click "Bulk Revoke Content" to revoke content from multiple or all users or classes


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