Learn how to setup SAML single sign-on for GSEonline


Step 1: Information Exchange

A SAML single sign-on configuration requires information to be exchanged between the GSE Digital Team and the assigned Digital Account Admin for the partner school/district.

Provider  Information
GSE Digital Team • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)
• Identifier (Entity ID)
Digital Account Admin from School/District

 IDP Information:
 • Login URL
 • x509 Certificate (Base64)
 • User attributes like User ID, Email ID etc. which will be used as identifier

Step 2: Configuration

  1. The GSE Digital Team will share the Service Provider (SP) .xml file consisting of the Reply URL and the Identifier, i.e. the entity ID.
  2. The Digital Account Admin from the partner school/district will share the IDP file with the GSE Digital team in the .xml format, which must include the following IDP information:
    • Login URL
    • x509 Certificate (Base64)
    • User attributes like User ID, Email ID etc. which will be used as identifier
  3. Once the IDP is configured, the school/district’s name will be listed in the dropdown list for the SAML authentication on GSEonline.
  4. The Digital Account Admin provides login instructions and GSEonline URL to students and teachers. Instructions can be found within the guide linked below:
    ➜ GSEonline URL:
    ➜ Login Guide: Signing in with SAML
