Editing Classes

Learn how to edit class name, class description, add users, remove users, and edit user data sharing settings in the Administrator Portal

1. Click "Users" at the top of the pagekb_users

2. (District Accounts Only) Click the School Selection from the top of the page and select which school you would like to manage users and classes forkb_district_select_school

3. Click "Classes" from the left panelkb_cic_01

4. Click on the class you would like to editkb_users_14

5. Update class details such as Class Name, Description, and User Data Sharing settings and click "Save" to save changeskb_users_15_1

6. To edit users in the class, click the down arrow next to "Users" and toggle between "Teacher" and "Student" or use the search feature to see all users in the class


7. Hover over a user you would like to remove and click the "X" next to their namekb_ktrs_06

8. Add users to a class by clicking "+ Add Users"kb_users_17

9. Find the user(s) you would like to add from the list or by using the search feature and click the checkbox next to their namekb_ec_01

10. Click "Save"kb_ec_02

11. If content has previously been assigned to the class, then a pop-up will appear, click the checkbox on the left then click "Assign"


12. Delete a class by clicking "Delete"

Warning: Deleting a class is permanent. Users within the class will not be deleted.


13. In the right panel under "Collections", you can view collections which have been distributed to the classkb_users_20

14. Search for collections by typing a keyword in search barkb_users_21

15. To revoke content, select the collection you wish to revoke by clicking the checkbox, then click "Revoke"kb_users_11

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