1. Knowledge Base
  2. Onboarding
  3. Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)

Schoology LTI

Learn about the Schoology option for LTI configuration

Guides within this article:

Installing and Configuring GSEonline as an External Tool
Accessing Tool Providers
Adding GSEonline as an External Tool in Your Schoology Course

GSEonline as an External Tool in Schoology

GSEonline can be configured as an external tool within Schoology for instructors and students to access from within the platform.

Part 1: System-Level Installation and Configuration

System administrators can add GSEonline as an external tool at the system level and configure it with licensing information as provided by the GSE support team in order to make GSEonline available to your instructors and students in their Schoology courses.


1. Click "Tools"

2. Select "School Management"

3. Click "Integration"

4. Click "External Tools"

5. Click "Add External Tool Provider"

6. Fill out the form with your licensing information:

Tool Name: Enter a name for the tool, we recommended GSEonline
• Consumer Key: Enter the GSEonline consumer key (This will be provided by the GSE support team)
• Shared Secret: Enter the GSEonline shared secret (This will be provided by the GSE support team)
• Privacy: Select Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool
• Configuration Type: Select Manual
• Match By: Select Domain
• Domain/URL: Input https://prodlti.kitaboo.com/lti/launch
• Custom Parameters: Input the Collection ID, provided by the GSE support team, in the following format:

collectionid=###### (Enter Collection ID)
Example: collectionid=223910

Click Submit

Accessing External Tool Providers with Courses

Once the System Admin has completed the configuration, the GSEonline external tool will be automatically populated into the External Tool area of each course. To access this area, click Course Options below the profile photo and then select External Tool Providers to view the list of the external tools available.

1. Click "Course Options"

2. Select "External Tool Providers"

3. Scroll to locate the created external tool provider

Adding GSEonline as an External Tool in a Course 

Once the System Admin has completed the configuration, the GSEonline external tool can be added to a course for students and teachers to access.

1. Within the  course, click “Add Materials”

2. Select “Add File/Link/External Tool”

3. Click “External Tool”

4. Select GSEonline from the Tool Provider drop-down menu


5. Fill out the form with your licensing information:

• Title: Enter a title for the tool, we recommended GSEonline
• URL: Input https://prodlti.kitaboo.com/lti/launch
• Consumer Key: Enter the consumer key provided by the GSE support team
• Shared Secret: Enter the shared secret provided by the GSE support team
• Custom Parameters: Input the Collection ID, provided by the GSE support team, in the following format: 

collectionid=###### (Enter Collection ID)
• Example: collectionid=223910

6. You will now see GSEonline in your course materials